Fashion’s Night Out is an international event, so it’s only right that I connected with my Caribbean sistren Irie Diva for the scoop on how her experience was in Jamaica! We swapped FNO experiences, give our readers a taste our adventure. Check out her FNO experience. (Make sure you check out her blog regularly and follow her on twitter!)
I went to a lot of stores. Looking back on all the FNO wrap-up blog posts I did, I count 16 stores in all. In 4 different parts of the city. I’m exhausted from just counting. I must say that I am glad I thought out a plan and executed it fairly well on the day or I would have gotten stuck in this crowd!
I went to the stores where I felt I would find the most sales first, grabbed the best from the racks and then headed to spots that were more about being seen and schmoozing with friends and celebrities and then moved on yet again to spots that had food, drinks and live entertainment.
Some stores started offering their discounts early in the day and I appreciated those so that I could shop sans crowd. Even though I started out early and figured this was a great idea, it actually worked against me in many ways. There were some stores that were sticking to the 5-10pm time line and so didn’t have any set up yet for FNO when I arrived. If they planned for drinks, they weren’t yet there, if they planned for entertainment, it wasn’t yet set up and if they were showing a specific designer, the display area was drawing a blank. You really had to make up your mind if whatever they were offering was worth the crowds. I didn’t stick around to see the Shenna Carby’s display at Ammars like I really wanted to because the thought of the crowd made me want to break out into hives.
When I went to Soho where Vivica Fox was expected to be, I missed her, again because I was too early. If I had my way or rather if I had the foresight I do now, I would have stayed here until she made her grand entrance as my FNO experience could have really used a mid-way unwind and Soho was offering music, food and wine. I realise now that this “mid-way unwind” is a very essential part of long haul shopping, blogging, runway shows, photo-sessions etc etc as it gives a much needed breather, a chance to recharge and get the energy and creative juices revved up for round two. This was definitely what my experience was lacking as by the end of the night I was tired and cranky.
My final stop had atmosphere, live music by way of Protoje, cupcakes and vodka, exactly what I needed. When I finally left this location I felt it was all worth it. I had a busy day but it was exciting to buzz around and hit all the hot stops. I missed a few from my list with much regret but next year I will be even better at this! I’ve never done FNO anywhere else but in my sweet Jamaica but I must say it is a raving hit!
IrieDiva on Style and Vibes woot woot! 😀 Thanks Mikelah!